Now Shopping: World Market New Releases
World Market Favorites:
Gold Mirror (Anthropologie Primrose Dupe)
Counter Stools (Serena and Lily Carson Counter Stool Dupe)
World Market is always one of our go-to sites to shop new arrivals. Although much of the selection is not our taste, there are plenty of hidden gems within their site! We love browsing their lighting and furniture, but sometimes will finds some incredibly accessories too! Well, it’s that time of year again, and World Market has just wowed us with some new favorites that might catch your eye too!
Their current promo is 15% off, so if you’re eying something, make sure to consider that!
Our personal favorite World Market purchase has been the Brynn Swivel Chairs- you can check out our review of them here . The review is several years old and still holds true.
Shop our favorites from the latest release below!