Now Shopping: Jake Arnold for Crate and Barrel
If it’s good enough for Architectural Digest, this Jake Arnold collection is good enough for us! Browse yourself and I’m sure you’ll agree.
World Market Favorites:
Square Coffee Table, also in rectangular
Slipcovered Box pleat bench sofa, also available in armchair
The Jake Arnold for Crate and Barrel new arrivals are incredible! This feature caught our eye in Architectural Digest, and we immediately had to browse! With most pieces under $2,000, this collection is approachable, yet unique. The rich textures are something that makes this feel elevated far beyond other big retailer options.
The Crawford Sofa and Slipcovered Chair are a highlight for us, with other options -like the Serena and Lily Grady sofa -adding up to $6,000+.
The Carlyle Wood Credenza is full of texture and warmth, and a great pricepoint! We are anxiously waiting the reviews to roll in.
Shop our favorites from the latest release below!