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Sunwashed Riviera Woven Stool

Serena and Lily Sunwashed Riviera Counterstool look for less is back in stock. This dupe  is a close look for less for the pricey favorite. Although, the splurge version has some unique colors including a new blue that we adore!

One of the interesting parts of this gig is observing how retailers are "inspired" by one another. When something is popular, everyone takes note!  These classic styles are popular for a reason. As we move to kitchens extending as living spaces (I'm writing this from my kitchen island right now!) versus functional spaces, its even more important that your space be comfortable, and usually a bit more casual! Woven is the perfect fit. 

If you'd like to see more counter and bar stool options, you can search the category here.  Although, this category is always a struggle, and we recommend setting up in stock alerts for something that you see, or waiting and saving to spend a bit more than you initially thought.